C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri - Genel Bakış

C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri - Genel Bakış

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The "No" in part 2 of the answer is actually incorrect. Note: Tried editing the answer, but apparently some think that the highest rated answer being incorrect is not reason enough to approve a correction edit.

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IStructuralComparable arayüzü, genellikle Array ve Tuple kabilinden done dokumaları aracılığıyla uygulanır. Bu done bünyeları, elemanlarının sıralamasını ve yapısını dikkate alarak mukabillaştırma yapar.

Let us hamiş forget about additional operators and not just relying on Equals. We yaşama implement the == and != operators easily:

45IStructuralEquatable seObj = x as IStructuralEquatable; 64IStructuralEquatable seObj = obj bey IStructuralEquatable;

What does IEquatable buy you, exactly? The only reason I yaşama see it being useful is when creating a generic type and forcing users to implement and C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri write a good equals method.

In my implementation I delegated the task of calculating hash codes to the internal array. While testing it, to my great surprise, I found that my two different arrays had the same structural hash code

The reason why you need the IStructuralEquatable is for defining a new way of comparision that would be right for all the objects .

If you read this entire post and are thinking wow that is a lot of code and steps to remember then do not fear because Dustin told me and showed me that Visual Studio will generate all of this for you!!!!! Check this out:

Amma velakin bu yapımız class derece kompleks davranışlemler dâhilin tasarlanmış bir yapı gerektirmiyorsa ve tutulacak verileri enkapsüle etmek yetiyorsa aha bu suret durumlarda struct yapısını tercih edebiliriz.

Defines methods to support the comparison of objects for structural equality. Structural equality means that two objects are equal because they have equal values.

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While writing my own immutable ByteArray class that uses a byte array internally, I implemented the IStructuralEquatable interface.

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